Responses to Government Enquiries and Reports

The Heritage Council of Victoria provides advice to the Minister, government departments, local councils and other agencies on the protection and conservation of places of cultural heritage significance.

Our goal is to ensure that our advice is integrated into policies and practises that define how Victoria identifies, conserves and manages its cultural heritage.

Please contact the Secretariat at if you have queries regarding the below responses and submissions.

The Heritage Council’s response on the Victorian Environment Assessment Council Historic Places Investigation Draft Proposals Paper, December 2015.
The Heritage Council’s comment on the scope of the new Central Regional Coastal Plan.
A response from the Heritage Council of Victoria to the Greater Alpine National Parks - Draft Management Plan - submitted June 2014.
The Heritage Council’s initial submission to the ‘Melbourne, let’s talk about the future’, the Metropolitan Planning Strategy Discussion Paper - submitted February 2013.
Submission made to the Victorian Government’s Metropolitan Planning Strategy “Plan Melbourne’ as released in October 2013 - submitted December 2013.
The Heritage Council submitted a detailed response to the Australian Heritage Strategy - submitted May 2014.
Review of local heritage planning policies in the Melbourne Planning scheme. A submission by the Heritage Council of Victoria - submitted August 2014.
The Heritage Council’s comment on the review of the State Planning Policy Framework for planning schemes - submitted October 2013.
Heritage Council’s submission to the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s Investigation into Historic Places on Public Land - submitted September 2014.
Heritage Council’s comment on the scope of the new Western Regional Coastal Plan.
The Heritage Council’s submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Heritage Tourism and EcoTourism - submitted July 2013.
A supplementary submission by the Heritage Council providing further information to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Heritage Tourism and EcoTourism - submitted August 2013.