Strategic Plan

Heritage Council of Victoria Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan will guide the Heritage Council of Victoria’s work over the five years from 2021 to 2025.

OUR VISION 2021–25

Victorians connect with and value our diverse cultural heritage. We aspire to have:

  • Victorian communities, landowners and custodians understanding and valuing our heritage and its contribution to enriching culture
  • a heritage system that protects, sustains and enhances our heritage
  • coherent and integrated heritage processes across all levels of government
  • transmission of heritage values to current and future generations through effective stewardship and inspirational story telling.


Our strategies over the next five years are:

Strategy 1:

Wider understanding of cultural heritage

Strategy 2:

Effective and representative Victorian Heritage Register

Strategy 3:

Innovative and sustainable heritage practice

Strategy 4:

Shared responsibility for heritage conservation

Strategy 5:

Improved Council operations.

HCV Strategic Plan 2021-25 (PDF 8 MB)