Heritage Policy and Guidance
This page contains the Heritage Council’s policy and guidance documents to assist in the nomination and assessment of places and objects for inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register.
These documents should be read in conjunction with the Heritage Council’s Criteria for Inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register.
Framework of Historical Themes
The Framework of Historical Themes were developed in 2010 by the Heritage Council of Victoria and the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council to increase awareness and appreciation of the State’s diverse heritage.
Guidance on identifying places and objects of State-level social value in Victoria
To assist in assessing the cultural heritage significance of places and objects for possible inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register under Criterion G (PDF 400KB) (Word 266KB)
Landscapes of Cultural Heritage Significance: Assessment Guidelines
The purpose of the Landscapes of Cultural Heritage Significance: Assessment Guidelines is to improve the understanding, identification and assessment of the cultural values of landscapes in Victoria.
Policy: Determining Sites of Archaeological Value
The Heritage Act 2017 (the Act) requires the Heritage Council of Victoria to determine whether a site, which is less than 75 years old, warrants inclusion in the Heritage Inventory (PDF 195KB)(Word 233KB)
Policy: Registered Objects Integral to a Registered Place
Provides guidance as to the matters that should be considered by the Heritage Council in determining whether an object is integral to a place included in the Victorian Heritage Register. (PDF 201KB) (Word 253KB)
Note: This Policy and the below Guidance on Registered Objects Integral to a Registered Place apply to nominations to the Executive Director and recommendations made by the Executive Director after 5 November 2020.
Guidance on Registered Objects Integral to a Registered Place
Sets out the minimum level and type of visual and written information and documentation to be included in a nomination and assessment under the category ‘object integral’, pursuant to Section 25(1)(c) of the Heritage Act 2017. (PDF 480KB)(Word 624KB)
Image: Forward Surge Sculpture © 2019 HIN LIM AIPP | Hin Lim Photography