Principle 6

Integrating management approaches

Climate change compounds existing threats to heritage values.

Organisations should:

  • integrate management of climate change impacts into existing and new heritage management plans. Existing management processes and methods may need to change.
  • add climate change to their risk registers. They should regularly review both the identified risks and mitigation measures.
  • consider the embodied energy in heritage places. They should also consider the potential contribution of adaptation measures for reducing greenhouse emissions and resource consumption.

In addition to the above, state/local government and government agencies should:

  • work together to integrate the assessment and management of climate change impacts to heritage values into climate change policies and actions.

Practical tips for owners and managers

  • Build on and update existing strategies and plans for your place/object. Incorporate climate change considerations in everyday management. Consider how climate change could increase (or in some cases, reduce) existing risks or conservation and management issues.
  • Prepare a risk register and include climate change impacts along with other risks and regularly review both the identified risks and mitigation measures.
  • Ensure that your operational strategies are sustainable and will minimise emissions of greenhouse gases