Principle 2

Evidence-based decision making

Actions to manage the impacts of climate change must be based on an analysis of:

  • current climate science
  • climate change projections (recognising the uncertainty of those projections
  • climate change hazards.

(See the Victorian State Government’s Climate Action site for more information.)

They must also be informed by:

  • the heritage values
  • the condition of the heritage place or object
  • the implications of loss, including economic loss.

Local conditions and circumstances will likely have the greatest bearing on the extent and nature of the impacts.

Practical tips for owners and managers

  • Keep up to date with current climate science and climate change projections and hazards.
  • Be prepared to adapt your conservation and management approach as new evidence emerges.
  • Consider what local conditions are likely to influence climate impacts. Monitor and record any climatic changes and heritage impacts. For example, if your property is in a low-lying coastal area, inundation and salt damage will be major considerations to watch out for.
  • Draw on the most up to date conservation guidelines and heritage advice and review the effectiveness of any maintenance or remedial actions.