Scheduled Permit Reviews

Little Milton, 26 Albany Road, Toorak, Stonnington City (P38409)

On 2 May 2024, the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria, determined to issue a permit with conditions under s102 of the Heritage Act 2017 (Vic) in respect to the above place. The applicant for the permit has requested a review of the determination and has requested a hearing. Pursuant to section 108(4) of the Act, the Regulatory Committee of the Heritage Council has been appointed to conduct a permit review hearing to be held in the coming months.


Further information on Heritage Council reviews and hearings is provided in the document Heritage Council Protocol 2 – Permit Reviews & Hearings.

If you would like further information in relation to an upcoming Permit Review, please contact the Heritage Council via email at

PLEASE NOTE: Please note that all written submissions received in relation to a permit review will be treated as public documents. While the Heritage Council will endeavour to respect any privacy wishes of which it is informed, it is bound by the Freedom of Information Act 1982. You should expect your submission to be freely and wholly available to anyone seeking access to it.