As part of the 2024 Australian Heritage Festival and the 2024 Design Week the Heritage Council of Victoria partnered with the National Trust Victoria and a host of industry professionals to present a series of webinars and panel discussions on a range of topics designed to broaden your understanding of heritage.
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Recorded: Friday 19 April 2024, 2.00pm
Presenter: Steve Campbell-Wright, Alternate History Member on the Heritage Council Victoria
This webinar episode aims to resolve some of the common misconceptions of heritage, such as:
1. The heritage protection system is complicated.
2. State heritage is more important than local heritage.
3. Heritage is always old and just buildings.
4. When a place or object is identified as heritage, it cannot be used or changed anymore.
5. Heritage buildings cannot be sustainable.
Presenter: Steve Campbell-Wright, Alternate History Member on the Heritage Council Victoria
This webinar episode aims to resolve some of the common misconceptions of heritage, such as:
1. The heritage protection system is complicated.
2. State heritage is more important than local heritage.
3. Heritage is always old and just buildings.
4. When a place or object is identified as heritage, it cannot be used or changed anymore.
5. Heritage buildings cannot be sustainable.
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Friday 26 April 2024, 2.00pm
Presented by Jeremy Smith, Heritage Victoria’s Principal Archaeologist
It has been known since the years of the Little Lon excavations of the late 1980s that layers of well-preserved archaeological remains survive beneath the modern city of Melbourne. However, recent discoveries have shown that parts of the city contain ruins and artefacts that have been preserved in extraordinarily good condition. New research, and new investigative technologies, have revealed the same level of preservation found in Melbourne may also exist in other Victorian towns and cities, including the historic Goldrush centre of Ballarat.
Presented by Jeremy Smith, Heritage Victoria’s Principal Archaeologist
It has been known since the years of the Little Lon excavations of the late 1980s that layers of well-preserved archaeological remains survive beneath the modern city of Melbourne. However, recent discoveries have shown that parts of the city contain ruins and artefacts that have been preserved in extraordinarily good condition. New research, and new investigative technologies, have revealed the same level of preservation found in Melbourne may also exist in other Victorian towns and cities, including the historic Goldrush centre of Ballarat.
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Friday 3 May 2024, 2.00pm
Presented by Maddi Moore, Advocacy Strategic Manager at the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Coordinator of the NTAV Climate Action Plan 2021-2023
This webinar episode will discuss how heritage relates to climate action with a focus on what the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) is doing to respond to Climate Change.
Presented by Maddi Moore, Advocacy Strategic Manager at the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Coordinator of the NTAV Climate Action Plan 2021-2023
This webinar episode will discuss how heritage relates to climate action with a focus on what the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) is doing to respond to Climate Change.
A panel discussion with landscape and garden experts on the importance of heritage gardens and landscapes.
The panellists discussed what heritage gardens and landscapes are, their sustainable secrets and what we need to do to protect and conserve them.
The event was held during the Botanica Festival, an annual celebration of our natural environment, gardening and sustainability, which took place on Sunday 19 May 2024 at Rippon Lea Estate.
Panel Moderator: Heritage Council Alternate Member, Maddison Miller is a Darug woman and Lecturer in Ecological Knowledge at the University of Melbourne.
1. Annette Warner is a registered Landscape Architect and Associate with GbLA Landscape Architects
2. Lucas Dean is a Senior Associate at Landscape Architecture and Urban Design firm Taylor Cullity Lethlean.
3. Justin Buckley, Executive Manager – Gardens and Landscapes at the NTAV
The panellists discussed what heritage gardens and landscapes are, their sustainable secrets and what we need to do to protect and conserve them.
The event was held during the Botanica Festival, an annual celebration of our natural environment, gardening and sustainability, which took place on Sunday 19 May 2024 at Rippon Lea Estate.
Panel Moderator: Heritage Council Alternate Member, Maddison Miller is a Darug woman and Lecturer in Ecological Knowledge at the University of Melbourne.
1. Annette Warner is a registered Landscape Architect and Associate with GbLA Landscape Architects
2. Lucas Dean is a Senior Associate at Landscape Architecture and Urban Design firm Taylor Cullity Lethlean.
3. Justin Buckley, Executive Manager – Gardens and Landscapes at the NTAV
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Participants heard from a panel of professional experts about archaeological heritage and its conservation and learned more from professional archaeologists working in Victoria about what a day at the office is like. Panellists discussed career pathways in archaeology, travel and of course their favourite and most memorable digs and discoveries.
Panellists: Jeremy Smith, Dr Karen Murphy, Dr Georgia Stannard, Dr Janine Major and Dr Caroline Spry.
Panellists: Jeremy Smith, Dr Karen Murphy, Dr Georgia Stannard, Dr Janine Major and Dr Caroline Spry.
This panel explored the art and value of the traditional skills and trades required to care for and maintain our heritage buildings, as well as their relevance to new construction. The panel also looked at how we can ensure this knowledge and these skills were being transferred to a new generation of tradespeople and design professionals.
Moderator: Heritage Council Member, Ruth Redden, registered architect and heritage consultant.
1. Glen Rundell is a Windsor Chair maker from The Central Highlands & Co-Founder of the Lost Trades Fair.
2. Samantha Westbrooke is the Executive Manager of Conservation and Advocacy at the National Trust.
3. Rebecca Roberts is currently a Doctoral Candidate with the University of Melbourne.
Moderator: Heritage Council Member, Ruth Redden, registered architect and heritage consultant.
1. Glen Rundell is a Windsor Chair maker from The Central Highlands & Co-Founder of the Lost Trades Fair.
2. Samantha Westbrooke is the Executive Manager of Conservation and Advocacy at the National Trust.
3. Rebecca Roberts is currently a Doctoral Candidate with the University of Melbourne.