Valuing Victoria’s Heritage

‘Value has always been the reason underlying heritage conservation. It is self evident that no society makes an effort to conserve what it does not value.’

– M. de la Torre and R. Mason 2002, Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage 

In 2023 the Heritage Council commissioned a report to synthesis the existing research on the value of heritage to the community.

The Heritage Council is now pleased to share the resource publicly. The report contains a synthesis of current research on:

  • the social, economic, and environmental value of heritage to Australian communities
  • a summary of some of the gaps in the available research.

Its primary focus is on research from Australia, but it also includes relevant data from overseas.

The Heritage Council thanks Public Value Consulting and Extent Heritage for their extensive investigation, and thorough reporting and documentation of publicly available research.

Publication of the report by the Heritage Council is intended to encourage industry discussion and further research in emerging areas of interest.

The report and other resources on the value of heritage are available on the Heritage Council’s website: