‘Heritage 101’ Information for Councillors

The Heritage Council of Victoria has released two documents to inform local government councillors about local heritage protection.

These documents deliver the ‘Practical Improvement 3’ recommendation from the Heritage Council of Victoria’s State of Heritage Review: Local Heritage 2020.

The Review examined local heritage protection and management across the state. It recommended ‘strategic improvements’ to be delivered by the state government and ‘practical improvements’ to be delivered by the Heritage Council. ‘Practical Improvement 3’ recommended the development of information to improve the knowledge of councillors and council executive staff on the importance of local heritage protection.

Both documents were developed in consultation with the Heritage Council’s Local Government Specialist Committee: Ruth Redden, Jo Guard, Justin Naylor, Maggi Solly, Natica Schmeder, David Helms, Colleen Lazenby, Dannielle Orr, Richa Swarup, Samantha Westbrooke, Kelly Wynne. The Committee would also like to acknowledge the work of Fiona Stevens in creating the content.