2024 Victorian Architecture Awards

Congratulations to Kneeler Design Architects for winning The John George Knight Award for St George’s Performing Arts Centre in the 2024 Victorian Architecture Awards.

The Heritage Council of Victoria is the heritage category partner of the Awards, sponsoring the John George Knight Award, which is the highest accolade in the heritage category.

“The conservation and adaptive reuse of the St George’s Performing Arts Centre impressively balances the need for careful repair and restoration of the original church fabric along with the need for extensive adaptation for its second life as performing arts facility.” – Jury citation

“The tasteful incorporation of modern fittings and technology has been widely acclaimed, and the powerful blend of old and new has drawn new eyes to the latent beauty of the building itself while respecting and enhancing its heritage.” – Client perspective

Read more here: St George’s Performing Arts Centre | Kneeler Design Architects – Australian Institute of Architects (architecture.com.au)

We would like to congratulate all finalists.

: Scott Burrows