Special assistance

Get help from the Heritage Council to conserve your heritage place.

  • Regulatory guidance
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If you own or manage a place in the Victorian Heritage Register, you might be eligible for special assistance from the Heritage Council.

How we can help

We can consider requests to reduce or delay land tax or relevant rates.  

You can request help if you: 

  • own a property on the Victorian Heritage Register 

  • lease a property and are responsible for paying land tax or rates, as well as managing the cultural heritage assets at the registered place. 

To consider your request, we need to first seek consent from: 

  • the Victorian Treasurer and Minister for Planning (land tax) 

  • relevant authority or minister (rates).

What you will need

You will need to show how our assistance will help you conserve the registered place.  

When reviewing your request, we’ll look at: 

  • a detailed plan of the conservation work you intend to do 

  • the public benefit these conservation works will provide. 

Apply for assistance

Contact us if you want to apply for assistance.  

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