Learn how the Act protects Victoria's cultural heritage.
Heritage Act 2017 aims to protect and conserve Victoria’s cultural heritage. It replaced the Heritage Act 1995 and earlier acts.
Under the Act, cultural heritage means places and objects of:
cultural heritage significance
state-level cultural heritage significance.
A place or object has cultural heritage significance if it has aesthetic, archaeological, architectural, cultural, historical, scientific or social value.
The Act does not include places or objects associated solely with Aboriginal tradition. These places are protected by the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.
Image 1 of 0Wilson Hall © Hin Lim Photography 2018
Changes to the Act were introduced from 1 February 2024. These changes relate to:
online access to hearings and documents
exclusion determination reviews
general amendments to statutory processes.
The Heritage Council of Victoria was established as an independent body under the Heritage Act 2017 to make state-level heritage decisions in Victoria.
Read the Victorian Heritage Register criteria and threshold guidelines to understand how to assess heritage places and objects.
Discover Victoria's cultural heritage in the Victorian Heritage Register. Search more than 3,000 places and objects of cultural significance to our state.
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