We protect and conserve Victoria's cultural heritage through independent decision-making and expert advice.
The Heritage Council of Victoria is an independent authority dedicated to protecting places and objects of cultural heritage significance to Victoria. We ensure that our diverse cultural heritage is enjoyed and preserved for years to come.
The Heritage Council of Victoria:
advises the Minister for Planning on protecting and conserving Victoria’s cultural heritage
decides which places and objects are included or amended in the Victorian Heritage Register
reviews decisions by Heritage Victoria on nominations, exclusion determinations, permits and archaeological consents when requested
promotes public understanding of Victoria’s cultural heritage through education and information programs
undertakes research on the identification, conservation and interpretation of cultural heritage
works with state government departments, agencies and local councils on heritage protection.
The Heritage Council of Victoria consists of 10 members and 10 alternate members, representing various professional disciplines.
We are an independent authority established under the Heritage Act 2017. The Act outlines our powers and responsibilities.
A small secretariat supports our work.
Image 1 of 0Abercrombie House © Hin Lim Photography 2024
The Victorian Government requires all regulators to have a statement of expectations to improve performance and reduce red tape. Our statement of expectations outlines targets and improvements for our regulatory role.
Heritage Victoria is a business unit of the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and administers the Heritage Act 2017. While we liaise with Heritage Victoria and its Executive Director, there are protocols to ensure our independence in decision-making and quasi-judicial roles.
Learn how the Heritage Act 2017 protects Victoria's cultural heritage.
Learn how we partner to celebrate Victoria's rich cultural heritage. Contact us to discuss a partnership opportunity.
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