The Heritage Information Pack

Want to find out more about heritage, its protection and how you can be involved?

Feel free to share the video and resources on your website or with anyone you think may benefit. The posters and pamphlets can be downloaded, printed for display or handed out at offices, schools and tourism centers.

If you wish to use the animation on your website, you can link to any version of the animation resources to the right (using YouTube). If you require an independent copy of the animation, or high-resolution copies of the resources, please contact the Heritage Council at

Posters: printed up to size A3 – Factsheets: printed up to size A4

What is heritage?

Heritage can be something that you can see and feel, like buildings and objects, or something that is non-physical and abstract, like traditions and beliefs. We can appreciate heritage just by knowing it exists.

What is heritage?

Our heritage is a part of who we are. It's what we inherit, appreciate today and think is important to protect and pass on to future generations.

The Heritage Protection System

How does the heritage protection system work? What bodies and organizations are involved? What are the different roles and responsibilities of governments and local councils?

The Heritage Protection System

By identifying, recording and protecting our heritage, we ensure that future generation can enjoy and learn from it for years to come.

Why do we protect heritage?

When efforts are made to look after cultural heritage, it not only benefits future generations, but can improve our everyday lives too.

What is your role in heritage protection?

Not everything we value can be protected by government legislation, but this does not mean it is not significant to use. Protection of our heritage can be enabled by individual and community involvement. It all starts with you!