The adverse effects of climate change are being widely experienced across Victoria, and the state’s cultural heritage places and objects are not immune from these impacts.
The Heritage Council of Victoria recognises we are at a critical point for action and has released its first Climate Action Plan.
The Action Plan aligns with the Heritage Council’s Strategic Plan 2020–25 and the Victorian state government’s pathway to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and build resilience to the impacts of climate change.
It complements the principles on the protection of heritage places from climate change and other guidance published by the Heritage Council in 2021 and 2023.
The Action Plan focuses on the four areas where the Heritage Council can make the greatest contribution:
Action 1: Leadership and bold advice
Raising awareness of climate change impacts on the state’s cultural heritage and the important role that conservation of heritage places can play in achieving net zero emissions targets and creating a sustainable future.
Action 2: Climate-aware approach in operational improvements
Reviewing our processes and procedures to embed climate awareness in our business operations.
Action 3: Celebrate and promote exemplars and innovative responses
Celebrating industry innovation and best practice adaptation responses that mitigate the impacts of climate change on Victoria’s cultural heritage places.
Action 4: Guidance and education through effective partnerships
Partnering with experts to develop and encourage research and guidance for owners, managers and custodians of heritage places on climate change adaptation.